When Marley, the horse, half Cob, half Irish Draught, half ginger magnificence. His mane ablaze in the sunlit breeze, trods the wispy green sustenance underfoot. He seems content to remain in his own silent glory, forever. Just Breathe.

Breathe – a poem by Damien O’Neill the stable animals

Listen to the poem

When the days you remember, suddenly dismember,
Fear not, for the Sun will still rise, the Moon, shine bright, Forever.
Just Breathe.

When Marley, the horse, half Cob, half Irish Draught,
half ginger magnificence. His mane ablaze in the sunlit breeze, trods the wispy
green sustenance underfoot. He seems content to remain in his own silent
glory, forever.
Just Breathe.

When Emma, the pig, a Large British Black, with bristles black, nostrils nosy,
nestles in and rustles through the paddock playground in search of an
opportune snack.
Oink oink, her personal hustle and bustle will be woven, forever.
Just Breathe.

When I, the human, homo sapiens sapiens, run life’s gauntlet, with no chariot,
appropriate from the ways of old for these days of new.
A job of no description, scrambling for purpose, for meaning.
Silently searching for solace and peace, forever.
Just Breathe.

When Buster, the terrier, terrierises the pack around him,
his boisterous bark floats unattended to by the gentle, unspoken power of his
peers. They, in their solemn subsistence, remain calm, forever.
Just Breathe.

And when Frazier, the furry little feline, once sighted, makes a beeline to the
safe haven of the trees. There, she finds security and safety in the myriad
mossy undergrowth. Forever
Just Breathe.

When the setting Sun’s crimson offspring saunter gently ‘neath it’s cosy glow,
it sifts and lifts my sorrows to heights, never reached before. For this singular,
serene and soft-spoken scene that just might last forever.
I Just Breathe

And when the crescent Moon, waxing, almost lyrical above, lends us a few
borrowed sunbeams, surplus from the day before, casts it’s celestial reflection
upon this portion of night.
This will be how it will be, forever.
Just Breathe